A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing a Full Model Using a PODD book

In this video, I will discuss how to use Partner Assisted Visual Scanning (PAVS) while doing a Full Model with a Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD). It is important to model how the user gains the attention of the communication partner. You will also model each scan that is necessary and each yes or no movement the individual would need to make to complete their message.

Throughout this video, I will model some phrases that you can use when communicating with someone using a PODD book. These phrases include “I’m finished.”, “I need help!”, and “I don’t like this, it’s scary!”

Full Models are useful for familiarizing oneself and the user with the layout of their PODD book and the individual’s access method. Although this type of model takes the most amount of time, it is an important teaching tool for modeling exactly how an individual can access their book.

If you’re interested in learning more about doing Partial Models with Partner Assisted Visual Scanning and a PODD book, then this video is perfect for you. Join me as we explore this effective mode of communication and how it can be used to support individuals with communication difficulties.

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